Monday 8 October 2018

Pick Mentors.....

Which 2 would you choose to mentor you for 1 year and why?
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF MENTORING??? FOR MENTEES: • Provides impartial advice and encouragement • Develops a supportive relationship • Assists with problem solving • Improves self-confidence • Offers professional development • Encourages reflection on entrepreneurial path FOR MENTORS: • Opportunity to reflect on own entrepreneurial path • Enhances job satisfaction • Develops professional relationships • Enhances peer recognition • It uses your experience, making it available to a new person • It widens your understanding of the organisation and the way it works • It enables you to practice interpersonal skills • It provides personal satisfaction through supporting the development of others As clichéd as it may sound, it is extremely important for entrepreneurs to find a mentor/s who has absolutely no vested interest in their business and who can offer objective advice. entrepreneurs need to be vulnerable with their mentor/s and allow him or her to be brutally honest. In fact, entrepreneurs should actively solicit brutal honesty.

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