Monday 23 October 2017

Nelson Sebati Attends The Gauteng Province and GE Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signing ceremony.....

Gauteng Premier, David Makhura & Chief Empowerment Officer, Nelson Sebati.

Nelson Sebati was in attendance when the Gauteng Province and GE Signed a Memorandum of Understanding to Advance Economic Development. The MoU covers collaboration in the Energy and Healthcare sectors.Through the collaboration, GE will support the Premier's Office “Tshepo 1 Million" youth empowerment programme, which focuses on creating employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for the Gauteng youth.
Speaking at the signing ceremony, Gauteng premier David Makhura said; “We are delighted to be going into a partnership with a world-renowned company such as GE which not only supports our vision of turning Gauteng into a globally competitive City Region, but will also help us create an inclusive economy that will see the youth of Gauteng become active agents in the economy........

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