Monday 23 October 2017

Nelson Sebati Attends The Gauteng Province and GE Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signing ceremony.....

Gauteng Premier, David Makhura & Chief Empowerment Officer, Nelson Sebati.

Nelson Sebati was in attendance when the Gauteng Province and GE Signed a Memorandum of Understanding to Advance Economic Development. The MoU covers collaboration in the Energy and Healthcare sectors.Through the collaboration, GE will support the Premier's Office “Tshepo 1 Million" youth empowerment programme, which focuses on creating employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for the Gauteng youth.
Speaking at the signing ceremony, Gauteng premier David Makhura said; “We are delighted to be going into a partnership with a world-renowned company such as GE which not only supports our vision of turning Gauteng into a globally competitive City Region, but will also help us create an inclusive economy that will see the youth of Gauteng become active agents in the economy........

Saturday 7 October 2017

5 Questions with Nelson Sebati......

Nelson Sebati, Chief Empowerment Advisor.
Q: Who do work for?
A: I work for  a boutique Economic Empowerment Consultancy that contributes to the South African dream by crafting economic empowerment & deep transformation strategies and policies for our private & public-sector clients that contribute to business sustainability & social cohesion while ensuring compliance to B-BBEE & other Transformation legislative requirements. As a multi-disciplinary “deep transformation” enabler, our advisory team are subject matter specialists in customised B-BBEE consulting, facilitation & implementation solutions.

Q: What services do you offer?

A: We partner with clients to develop customised B-BBEE solutions for:
  • Strategy Development;
  • Policy Development;
  • Enterprise Development;
  • Supplier Development
  • Supplier Diversity;
  • Preferential Procurement;
  • Ownership & Management Control;
  • Verification preparedness.
  • Dashboard Software for B-BBEE compliance monitoring and tracking. 
Q: What have you achieved in the last 3.5 years?
A: In the last 3 years we have advised, developed & implemented B-BBEE/ESD projects with a combined value of over R611 Million, which has led to the creation over 300 new Black-Owned companies & 5000 net new jobs i.e these are jobs for people who had never worked before. This includes direct and indirect jobs. My clients have a collective annual turnover above R91 Billion and together we have unlocked over R2.8 Billion worth of supply chain opportunities for Black-owned businesses.

Q: What is the role of the Chief Empowerment Advisor?

A: My role includes amongst other things;
  • Providing guidance & direction to clients on matters related to “deep transformation”, B-BBEE regulation & the Sector Charters;
  • Assigning “deep transformation” targets to business units & monitoring performance against set B-BBEE targets within client organisations;
  • Reporting progress on “deep transformation” initiatives to EXCOs & the Transformation Committees.
  • Educating Stakeholders on the B-BBEE Charters & RCoGP emphasising impactfullness & sustainability;
  • Monitoring & keeping up to date with changes in the Codes of Good Practice & different Sector Charters, i.e., Tourism, Property, Construction, Forestry, Financial Services, Mining, Aviation & ICT;
  • Preparation & presentation of Scenarios to Executives in organizations to assist them in the identification & implementation of “deep transformation” strategies.
Q: What qualifies you to do this work?
A:  As an Entrepreneur several times over, who has successfully negotiated and concluded numerous high value transactions, I understand the need for B-BBEE initiatives that are rooted in business growth, supported by sound commerical drivers and lead to an enhanced outcome. I am Certified BEE Champion, BEE Master, Empowerment Technician, SETA accredited BEE Practitioner plus I have completed the Management Development Programme in B-BBEE at UNISA School of Business Leadership and a member of the Association of BEE Verification Agencies (ABVA now ABP).

Further to I studied Law at UNISA and Entrepreneurship at Wits Business School. I am also a Non-Executive Director/Associate in several companies including a Law firm, a Recruitment company, a specialized IT services company, a diversified Investment holdings company and finally I am involved with a three Non-Profit Organisations as part of my PSI (Personal Social Investment) mission.
Contact me on for help with B-BBEE compliance and accessing B-BBEE benefits. I assist corporate companies and entrepreneurs alike.