Tuesday 17 February 2015

Nelson SebatI: A Small Part Of The Reason Why South Africa Has A Ministry Dedicated To Small Business Development.

Our Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) Expert, Nelson Sebati was part of a team that contributed towards the successful creation of the new Ministry of Small Business Development and Cooperatives. This team was appointed by the Black Management Forum (BMF) to research, lobby, present and facilitate the dialogue on the creation of a new ministry dedicated towards Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development in South Africa. After a country wide roadshow, he and the team were thrilled when the national leadership took a decision to implement their recommendations and President Zuma announced the new ministry on 25/05/14 to be led by Minister Lindiwe Zulu.

To this day Nelson continues to be an avid supporter of the ministry and has a great working relationship with its leadership. He is occasionally called on to advise on issues of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development. 

For reliable Expert service on Supplier Diversity, Preferential Procurement, Enterprise Development and Supplier Development contact Nelson Sebati, Pr.EAd today or visit www.enterprisesupplierdevelopment.co.za for more information.